
Workshop 1: Opportunities and challenges of digitalisation in Finance. Experience of EU.

Workshop 2: Digitalization for Sustainable and inclusive growth.

Photos from the  workshop

Within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet grant project "EU Financial Strategy: Best Practices for Uzbekistan", the Tashkent State University of Economics, with the participation of Trustbank, organized a workshop on "Opportunities and Challenges Associated with Digitalization" for professors and teachers of the International Finance Department and bank employees.

On February 17 of this year, within the framework of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module project "EU Financial Strategy: Best Practices for Uzbekistan", a workshop on "Opportunities and Challenges Associated with Digitalization" was organized at the branch of the International Finance Department of the Tashkent State University of Economics at Trustbank.

This workshop was conducted by qualified specialists with many years of practical experience. The seminar was also attended by project participants, university professors, representatives of FinTech companies and bank employees. The discussions focused on such topical issues as the impact of digitalization on the financial sector and, the opportunities and challenges of implementing digital technologies in the banking sector. In addition, industry experts provided in-depth analysis of digital banking services, cybersecurity threats, regulatory issues and integration of innovative financial technologies.

The workshop focused on the priorities of the European Union's digital finance strategy, the use of new digital opportunities in financial services and payments, and the process of using the experience of EU countries in the development of digital finance in Uzbekistan.

This workshop, held in a live question-and-answer format, created a platform for sharing experiences for each participant.

This workshop became an important platform for knowledge sharing and professional cooperation and also created a platform for an open dialogue on the process of digitalization of the financial sector in Uzbekistan and its impact on economic development.

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