The EU in the Digital Age: Exploring Digital Economics and Digital Finance Strategy.

Ready to explore the cutting-edge intersection of digitalization and Europe's economic future?

Join us for "The EU in the Digital Age: Exploring Digital Economics and Digital Finance Strategy", a dynamic and immersive course designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Dive into the Future of Europe: Announcing "The EU in the Digital Age" Course!

Objectives  of the program

Promote awareness

Promote awareness and understanding of                   the EU among students, academics, and the                 wider public.

Build Expertise

Build expertise among scholars and                               practitioners with the knowledge of EU                         policies.

Teaching Programs

Enabling teaching programs focused on EU                  history, institutions, policies, and laws.

Support Exchange

Support the exchange of knowledge and                     expertise between EU and non-EU                               institutions

Contact us


60A Amir Temur street, Тashkent



60A Amir Temur street, Тashkent,10077, Uzbeksitan
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